The event had two parts, the scientific workshop and the exhibition area. Companies like Nokia, Tekkes and UPM were in the event exhibiting their latest researchs in these fields and looking for new customers and providers. The main part of the fair area was dedicated to BioChem'07, the biochemical part of the fair. Due to the interdisciplinarity of the actual science scene, the Nanotech area fitted in perfectly with the biochemical one. Drug delivery, magnetic cell separation for DNA sequencing, ... on one hand the tools and on the other hand the final applications in biomedical fields.
The first day there was a welcome dinner with the presence of a nanotechnological Chinese comitte. Some very interesting topics were discussed related to potential applications, risks and hazards and new oportunities, like the role that China will play in the future of the scientific community, the need of new and sustainable energies and new medical treatments.
Americans, Finnish, Swedish, British, Greeks, Italians and also Spanish! The spanish representation consisted of people from CSIC, UPV, ICN and Nanogap Sub-nm-powders. This representation showed the high level of nanotechnology and nanoscience in Spain.
Great scientific expositions, great host city and great business oportunites.
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