The annual ‘Best of Small Tech’ awards, announced last week, recognize the year’s most outstanding leaders and achievements in the area of nanotechnology, MEMS and Microsystems.
Stark has led ENTA – the European Nanotechnology Trade Alliance – since its inception in 2005, helping to form bridges between government, science and industry policy makers and businesses to help progress the field of nanotechnology.
“This is exciting news for ENTA”, says Stark. “As the independent voice for industry, ENTA continually interfaces with the public, the media, government offices and bodies actively involved in determining regulatory framework. We promote the countless benefits of nanotechnology while supporting all actions that ensure new nanotechnologies are developed in a safe and responsible manner.”
Although nanotechnologies have been under development for many years it is only relatively recently that the issues behind the science have risen up the political and news agenda, in differing degrees across member states.
“We are entering a vital period in shaping the future development and application of nanotechnologies,” Stark says. “It’s an excellent time to get involved with ENTA.“
Stark has led ENTA – the European Nanotechnology Trade Alliance – since its inception in 2005, helping to form bridges between government, science and industry policy makers and businesses to help progress the field of nanotechnology.
“This is exciting news for ENTA”, says Stark. “As the independent voice for industry, ENTA continually interfaces with the public, the media, government offices and bodies actively involved in determining regulatory framework. We promote the countless benefits of nanotechnology while supporting all actions that ensure new nanotechnologies are developed in a safe and responsible manner.”
Although nanotechnologies have been under development for many years it is only relatively recently that the issues behind the science have risen up the political and news agenda, in differing degrees across member states.
“We are entering a vital period in shaping the future development and application of nanotechnologies,” Stark says. “It’s an excellent time to get involved with ENTA.“
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